Open and Resilient Radio Access Network for Next Generation Wireless Backhauls

Software and Open Data


Here we detail the release of the open data and the source code. All the code has been released on github, to give it maximum visibility and re-usability. The code uses open source licences.

Description Repository
gNB Placement Heuristic https://github.com/UniVe-NeDS-Lab/TrueBS/
Colosseum Scenario Generation https://github.com/UniVe-NeDS-Lab/ColosseumScenarioGenerator
Topology optimization algorithms https://github.com/UniVe-NeDS-Lab/5G-backhaul-OR2AN2G
rApp and non-real time RIC https://github.com/UniVe-NeDS-Lab/IABTopologyOptimizer
Utilities to run OAI on Colosseum https://github.com/wineslab/OAI-Colosseum
iab-manager https://github.com/wineslab/iab-manager
O1 Interface for OAI https://github.com/UniVe-NeDS-Lab/openairinterface5g

Source Geodata

This is the list of the sources of data we used. These are data that we don’t republish as they are already open data from public sources.

Source Content Area License
link Pointcloud Barcelona CC-BY 4.0
link Raw DSM/DTM Florence CC-BY 4.0
link Raw DSM/DTM Luxemburg CC0
link Buildings/Roads Europe ODbL 1.0

Produced Geodata

The produced open data, can be downloaded here. It consist in a gzip archive containing all the data we produced in during the OR²AN²G project. The archive is organized in subfolders divided by the Area and the Density of gNB. The following table details the files names we used in the open data, available.

File Content License
{area}.tif Polished DSM ODbl 1.0
{area}_dtm.tif DTM CC-BY 4.0
{area}_buildings_mask.tif Rasterized nuildings ODbL 1.0
{area}_roads_mask.tif Rasterized roads ODbL 1.0
cars_raster.tif Vehicular demand model ODbL 1.0
index.csv gNB placement CC-BY 4.0
viewshed.tif Area coverage CC-BY 4.0
viewsheds.npy Individual coverage CC-BY 4.0
visibility.graphml.gz Visbility graph between the gNBs CC-BY 4.0
interference.graphml RF interference graph CC-BY 4.0
pathlossMatrix.csv Colosseum Scenarios CC-BY 4.0
delayMatrix.csv Colosseum Scenarios CC-BY 4.0
singletree.graphml Single backhaul graph CC-BY 4.0
multitree.graphml Multi backhaul graph CC-BY 4.0
rapp.graphml Rapp topology CC-BY 4.0